That way, it has to turn it off to hit you with rays. When fighting a Beholder, you want to stay close together and you want to stay in it’s AM field. If the ranger is still not playing, it’s a hard encounter for 4 level 11 players. the party can survive, although with a significant expense of resources) for 5 level 9 players.

What level should you be to fight a beholder?Ī Beholder in its lair is a hard encounter (i.e. Since you’re not a level-17 caster, you’re not going to be able to naturally cast either of these spells. One of these abilities is particularly worthy of note: Tarrasque can’t be permanently killed unless you cast Wish or Miracle over his remains. His stone tower floated above the Sea of Swords. Traxigor was an archmage polymorphed into an otter during the late 15th century DR. Dragons are large reptilian creatures of ancient origin and tremendous power. Unless the creature form chosen is a beast (allosaurus, brown bear, etc) the 4th level polymorph spell won’t turn the PC into a dragon.

Using Polymorph, RAW, a level 12 character can turn into Traxigor, who is a level 18 wizard that has been permanently turned into an otter via wish.