Linked in with the above is going to be a heavily modified research tree, instead of spending money on researching new guns, you will be spending "Time" unlocking new tactics for your Flagships, and in general (I figure this will help make the games last a bit longer). In a similar vein Flagship abilities are, instead of guns, shields, etc are going to be time-use orientated tactical bonuses. details to be tweaked as needed Capital ships are being replaced with unreplaceable Flagships, of which you get given a finite amount at the start of the game, probably each specialising in a specific area. See final point supply lines required for effective ship use (ie no automatic ship repair or antimatter regen) removal of arbitrary income (ie income only from trade and refinery ships), (if i can figure it out) the disabling of shields when ships move (the engine just isnt designed to handle directional shields) Ships will have harder counters to require more fleet management. Things i have planned for the moment include (some are dependant on how much more we can mod) : Firstly rather than having the Fortresses as buildable objects I intend on making them effectively planets that you have to conquer, obviously this will involve more than just shooting at them (similarly with all planetary conquest). That LoGH was mostly about tactics has not escaped me, i was going to add to the tactical depth of Sins as much as i could. As it is, the only tactics you'll be using in Sins is "build more ships than you" since it's so difficult to manually assign orders without having them run all over the place, having areas of contest that are puny tiny small with huge round things in the middle that block all movement. A lot of LoGh was about tactics and strategy. And don't take this as a Mod announcement, just like it says testing the waters. So this is a general, anyone feel like helping out? as it stands I only really need a modeler\texturer.

The only obvious discrepancy between the mod and the series is that fleets will have to be somewhat smaller, but still as big as can be managed, but 10,000+ ships is somewhat unlikely. I had been resisting doing this until the mod tools came out and I could see just how modifiable the game was, but from what I can determine from "poking around" most of what I envision can be done with what we have now, even if it might take a little bit (ok maybe a lot) of creativity. As with many other people I saw Sins and thought that it would make a great game to mod, however being slightly stranger than many of you, the first series that sprung to my mind was Legend of Galactic Heroes, now im not even going to attempt to explain the series, but will atleast say that anyone who likes real sci-fi (The Foundation series, Dune etc) owes it to themselves to investigate it.